Kai Schätzel

Schätzel - Mad Scientist Trocken

Schätzel - Mad Scientist Trocken

One of the most exciting things about tasting through any wine region is hearing about different grower’s tactics to overcome challenges and usher beautiful wines into being. Despite the potentially enormous variation of strategies voiced, each proffered as if any other pursuit would result in abject failure, one can taste countless collections of compelling and delicious wines. However, nobody else that I know who's achieving such high levels of quality with Riesling is doing so through such idiosyncratic methods as Kai Schätzel.

A Shared Table

A Shared Table

After a tour of the vineyards, an exploration of the ancient cellar and a comprehensive tasting of both new bottlings and mature vintages, tantalizing aromas began to waft from the small kitchen of the winegrower's home. A large table was informally set in the courtyard, and abundant vessels of simple, tastefully-prepared food began to flow from the house.

2020 German Riesling: The Drinkle Report

2020 German Riesling:  The Drinkle Report

One thing that humans the world over have learned in the last 18 months is that instead of getting excited about upcoming events, we should always be preparing our hearts for potential shattering. And yet, is that a reason to stop making plans? Perhaps it is. But encouraged by my wife who had noticed certain, um, irregularities in my personality, I booked flights to Germany with the intention of simply spending time alone in the most inspiring nature that I know of. That being said, I have friends in German wine country who I felt obligated to notify about my plans. Bit by bit, the schedule of my short trip became absolutely packed with visits to winegrowers, interspersed with Covid-19 tests. In other words, it became a trip consisting of immeasurably stimulating and fulfilling work—and Covid-19 tests. But I never allowed myself to believe that it was actually going to happen until I saw Frankfurt airport in the rearview mirror of my rental car.